Publications of Võro Institute have been pubished since 1997. Since 2007 the procedure of publication has been changed. There is a standing editor in charge, an international advisory board is invloved and the series is peer-reviwed. The publication is covered by international indexing/abstracting services/databases:

Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu digitaalne arhiiv (DIGAR)

Periodicity. Henseforward we aim to publish a main issue a year, in October, and according to material and will special editions will be published.

Theoretically and empirically well-grounded papers are expected. Publications are not limited to the presentations of the annual conferences of Võro Institute. We look forward to all contributions from  the different fields of the study of language and culture. The interdisciplinary and comparative angle is welcome.

In the main section the contributions of researchers of Finnic and other European small languages and cultures – linguists, scholars of literature, folklorists, archaeologists, ethnologists, and historians, and social scientists – are published.

In the section of essays the papers of popular interest, reviews and summaries are published.

Thematic numbers, monographies, and ad hoc studies are published as special editions.

Language. Publications of Võro Institute have been since the very beginning a multilingual publication. In addition to the Võro and Estonian languages articles in all Finnic languaes, and as an exception in other languages, are welcome. Each main edition is at least trilingual – the summary in the Võro language and in English will be always added to the original.

The papers are peer-reviewed. Each article is anonymously reviewed by two, in case of disagreement by three reviewers. The editor forwards the reviews to the author.

The submission deadline for papers is every year February 15. The timely papers are published after peer-reviewing and editing in the issue of the year, in October.

Advisory board: Renāte Blumberga (Institute of Latvian History, Latvian University), Martin Ehala (University of Tartu), Riho Grünthal (University of Helsinki), Hasso Krull (Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University), Karl Pajusalu (University of Tartu), Péter Pomozi (Eötvös Loránd University), Tiit Rosenberg (University of Tartu), Janne Saarikivi (University of Helsinki), Anneli Saro (University of Tartu), Helena Sulkala (University of Oulu), Taive Särg (Estonian Literary Museum), Heiki Valk (University of Tartu), Eberhard Winkler (University of Göttingen)

The editor: Jüvä Sullõv
Address: Võro Instituut, Tarto huulits 48, 65609 Võro liin, Estonia
phone +372 78 28750
