The autumn scientific conference of the Võru Institute will be hold in October 11, 2024 in Karilatsi Open-Air Museum. It focuses on museums and museum education. At the conference, answers are sought to the questions of how the local museum could best serve its people, the local community, and visitors from afar. Some important keywords […]
The traditional Võru Institute’s autumn conference will be hold in Võru in October 27th–28th, 2023. It is organized by Võro Institute (Tartu street 48, Võru, Estonia). The topics of the conference are migrations in prehistoric times and their traces, migrations in modern north-eastern Europe, their impact on language, place and personal names, migrations in the […]
Organizers: Võro Institute and Institute of the Estonian Language Date: October 22nd, 2020 Location: Tartu street 48, Võru, Estonia The conference calls for presentations that explore the origin of family names; typological comparisons among different languages, the questions of pronunciation and declination; as well as the family names’ influence on place names, company and […]
Eesti telekanal Kidzone alustab homme maailma ühe populaarsema lastesarja “Põrsas Peppa” näitamist võru keeles. Alates 24. maist on iga päev kell 16.45 eetris “Põrsas Peppa” sama osa esmalt võru, siis eesti keeles. Sarja on tõlkinud Mariko Faster Võru Instituudist ja tegelastele annavad hääle näitlejad Hilje Murel ja Tarmo Tagamets. “Meile teadaolevalt on see ajaloos esimene […]
Instituudi tegemised puudutavad peamiselt ajaloolist Võrumaad ja peaksid aitama elus hoida võrukestele omast keelt ja kultuuri.